Neurodivergent Entrepreneurship: What it’s like

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I am Quinn Jenkins, the Founder of Human Element Education and the Neurodivergent Entrepreneur Club.

Where Neurodivergent Entrepreneur Club began

This website started as a joke on threads about making jackets for the club that is neurodivergent entrepreneurship. As with everything I do, I made it bigger and bolder and dared to dream of the impossible. I dared to dream of building a community that supports each other, reaches out to each other, and uplifts each other.

In this inaugural post to the Neurodivergent Entrepreneur Club blog & newsletter, I’d like to highlight two businesses that I feel offer immense value to their clients.

Check out these neurodivergent businesses!

Oinopo StudioBrand design designed for you, done alongside you. If you need a fresh new look, consider Microbrandism!
Sue-Jan Noreiga Her Human Design insights are invaluable, but her real skills are in making you a custom notion workspace that suits your unique needs as a funky brained entrepreneur.

If you’d like to have your business advertised to the community, hop into the discord and send me a DM!

Shameless Self Promotion

I had the privilege of interviewing yesterday for S1E5 of “The Giveback Economy”, where I shared my story and the experiences that inspired Human Element Education.
Check it out here!

I talk a little about what its like to be a neurodivergent entrepreneur. It is certainly a journey. A journey of self-discovery, and of growth. In the past year, I have tested my limits and found them lacking.

Words of Wisdom

Imagine what your life would be like this time next year if once a week, you did something that scared you. That you felt you couldn’t do for some arbitrary reason or another, go do it. Who cares if you do it poorly? You did it!!! That’s not something everyone can say.

There are a few different types of people that start businesses, professors, community leaders, experts, but the ones most likely to receive funding from investors are the doers. Those that go out and seize the opportunities in front of them, not without fears of the consequences, but despite them.

You cannot have courage without first having fear. Without fear to overcome, there is no courage to be found. Fail. Fail fast, and fail repeatedly, and never stop learning.

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